Hello. I store some mp4 files in DO Storage using Appwrite and noticed that one file doesn't downloads in the same binary state it was when I uploaded the video. It's odd because other files look fine, at least they are recognized as mp4 files and playing properly. I don't upload that files by myself, it is usually done by a function that decodes input files into smaller ones with ffmpeg. So I noticed that one file has been converted the wrong way so processed the input file by myself and uploaded it manually. When I tried to download the result it suddenly become broken the same way as automatically generated videos.
The server version is 1.3.1.
Bucket settings:
- Compression: None
- Encryption: On
- Antivirus: On
- File Security: Off Please let me know if you need further information
P.S. Is it safe to turn Encryption off if I already have files in the storage? Will they be decrypted in the storage?
here is videos before upload and after
ffmpeg command I use
ffmpeg -y -i big_video.mp4 -ss 2 -crf 28 -vf scale=216:386 -an sample.mp4
Hi - let me look into this and be back
Thank you, @joeyouss
Looping in @Jake
How did you check the files to see that one was converted the wrong way?
I've opened it in hex editor. At least header of the file is different. I think disabling the encryption could fix the problem, but I'm not sure that files I already have in my storage will be decrypted after turning it off.
Sorry, I meant how are you retrieving the file?
Yes. I download the file from storage through the admin panel. I bet it will be the same as from API requests.
Btw, it should be safe to turn off the encryption. They will stay encrypted in the storage. New uploaded files will not be encrypted
How big was the file that was not the same?
I've sent both files (before and after upload) above. input.mp4 - 78743 output.mp4 - 78664 So both files around 78KB
Oh that's small so it shouldn't be a content range problem....you could try to see if disabling encryption will make a difference
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