I don't seem to find the dart runtime versions supported by appwrite 🤔
Should’ve thrown an error when you deploy using the CLI I guess 🤔
That makes sense 🤔
These are all the runtimes and it’s keys
It’s getting pretty late for me (1am), let’s check really quick if @Steven has some time 👀
what's in your current folder?
and what's in the functions and appwrite.json?
the functions folder has a dart project made previously with my local CLI and the json file references the function
For context, I have updated everything in the appwrite.json to match the server instance
like what?
Am I supposed to get ✗ Error Project is not set. Please run appwrite init project to initialize the current directory with an Appwrite project.
? On this directory
all seems good then...also check that the follow outputs the correct info
appwrite client --debug
appwrite projects list
are you running the appwrite commands in the same folder as the appwrite.json?
both executes just fine
and the values are correct?
Apart from the key
value, it's empty, I assume it doesn't have something to do with it does it?
and appwrite deploy function
still doesn't work?
neither deploy nor init function,
could you please DM me the full output?
Circling back here...the CLI wasn't picking up the project properly because the appwrite.json was malformed (trailing comma)
[SOLVED] ✗ Error No functions found in the current directory.
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