
How to make a collection which was created by a user , accessible only to him

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3 Apr, 2023, 23:29

That's actually a very good question

User is asking for help on making a collection accessible only to the user who created it. There is no solution provided in the support thread.
3 Apr, 2023, 23:30

If the function is run through the worker it seems that is going to work in FIFO style I'm still looking into it

Let's see if we get any official answer

3 Apr, 2023, 23:43

yes, you are correct. At the moment, each worker handles events serially. we're planning on releasing a proxy layer in front that can make it easier to scale

3 Apr, 2023, 23:43 can already scale by adding additional's just that the executor might be limitied...

3 Apr, 2023, 23:44

So for now if let's someone is execution function from the client SDKs then it will also execute only serial mode?

3 Apr, 2023, 23:45

So that mean in order to create more dynamic open-runtime instances we need to add more executor workers? That make sense

3 Apr, 2023, 23:45

only queued executions execute serially. synchronous executions execute concurrently (createExecution(async = false))

3 Apr, 2023, 23:45

But I didn't see any option to scale up for direct function execution

3 Apr, 2023, 23:46

I've tried and never was able to pass the 10 concurrently functions call at given time

After that the functions runtime crash for a minute before it can run again, look like some bottle neck. The function it self is a very simple. Takes usually > 300ms to execute.

Tested on a 4GB RAM & 2 vCPU server with no limit on function container creation

Is that mean that the only option is scale the Appwrite main container?

3 Apr, 2023, 23:54

Hey @Steven Can't say I follow the whole conversation. Can you explain queues and synchronous executions and what, if anything, can i do to minimize the impact of this serial execution

3 Apr, 2023, 23:56

Also any details you can share as to when this limitation might get looked into ?

4 Apr, 2023, 00:07

A workaround I can imagine is to deploy the same function multiple times and have a master function distribute work and assign it to idle function

4 Apr, 2023, 00:09

That's sound a bit a trouble And if you're using Docker Swarm to deploy Appwrite as service stack then you can scale the number of the appwrite-worker-functions and then as I understood more container will be create with the same function and will disturbed across all the Docker Swarm machines

4 Apr, 2023, 00:09

how many cores? i think the executor can only handle a handful of concurrent requests per core.

4 Apr, 2023, 00:09


4 Apr, 2023, 00:11

functions are either executed asynchronously or synchronously. If createExecution() is called with async = false, then the execution is synchronous (see any other method is asynchronous, including cron and events

4 Apr, 2023, 00:11

So scaling the appwrite: container will results more function being create?


Is there a way to run them 5-10 at time and the rest will be queued like PHP-FPM? I've just tested one of my published laravel SaaS and on server that cost 5 bucks it was able to handle 250 requests in 5 seconds

4 Apr, 2023, 00:12

I mean that's make sense but it means that the second the app is getting a bit bigger then it will required immediate scaling

4 Apr, 2023, 00:12

how exactly are you executing the functions?

4 Apr, 2023, 00:15

In this case I've just run test of project I have This is the code

const functionRes = await functions.createExecution('[ID]', slug.toString());

I've benchmarked it in the simple way available,

  1. I've disabled the rate limits protector
  2. opened 50 tabs of the same window Then...

I've also tried within loop etc,

If I await between the function meaning creating "queue" then all the function will execute in < 300ms each But the second I run them together, then after 5 I lose the function for at least 1 minute

4 Apr, 2023, 00:21

I will open new support topic for it

4 Apr, 2023, 00:31

lose the function for a minute? because the function takes time to execute?

4 Apr, 2023, 00:32

Yes after few execution (5-10) each function takes much longer to execute.

24 Apr, 2023, 08:48

Hi - @Berserker , do you need any more help here?

25 Apr, 2023, 00:28

@joeyouss i think I'm done thanks for the support :appwritepeepo:


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