
[SOLVED] How to generate id like admin dashboard in android sdk

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  • Android
9 Mar, 2023, 13:32

I try to put document id in an field of document in android sdk

The OP wanted to generate an ID similar to the admin dashboard in Android SDK. They were asking about listening to all documents, but were not receiving any. Suggestions were made to listen to specific collection changes or to use `listDocuments` query to get specific document IDs to subscribe to. It was also clarified that querying in realtime is not possible, but subscribing to all document changes and filtering out unwanted ones using `if` statements is a viable option. UUID was suggested as a solution, and the OP confirmed that it worked. They also wanted to understand how to have the same document ID in a field, to which it was explained that `
Christy Jacob
9 Mar, 2023, 14:15

Hey could you please explain the issue, I don't think I understood

9 Mar, 2023, 15:48

If you mean generate a unique id you can use this ID.unique(), For more details look here

9 Mar, 2023, 18:22

If I use ID.unique() the result is String = "unique()"

9 Mar, 2023, 18:22

And I need something like this 64095923cf64fe976024

9 Mar, 2023, 18:25

Isn't a issue I need to put in a id filed the same documentId value

9 Mar, 2023, 18:55

This is the expected behavior. When unique() is processed by the server, it's converted to a unique id like 64095923cf64fe976024

10 Mar, 2023, 08:20

ok but is converted in the same unique code, because I need it to be the same code (documentID with my id field)

10 Mar, 2023, 09:06

Do I understand correctly you need attribute on a document which holds the same value as the document ID? Why do you need that? When reading documents, you can access document if under .$id.

10 Mar, 2023, 09:06


10 Mar, 2023, 09:07

i resolved this with UUID it's ok

10 Mar, 2023, 09:07

It's possible to put query on realtime?

10 Mar, 2023, 09:09

There are multiple channels you can subscribe to regarding realtime:

Querying isn't really possible, but you can simply subscribe to all document changes. Then, when payload arrives, you can use if statements to filter out those you don't want.

No need to be worried about performance/network too much, as you only get realtime updates about documents you have read permissions to.

10 Mar, 2023, 09:09

Alternativelly, you could do listDocuments query to get IDs of documents you are looking for. Then, subscribe to only those documents. Might be viable depending on your use case

10 Mar, 2023, 09:18

and realtime is called for each colletion update?

10 Mar, 2023, 09:40

Depending on what you listen to. You can listen to collection changes, collection creation, document changes, functions, executions.. There is a lot you can subscribe to

10 Mar, 2023, 10:00

And if I want to listener all documents it's ok "databases.${db_id}.collections.${ads_id}.documents.*?

10 Mar, 2023, 10:01

I don't receive documents

10 Mar, 2023, 10:19

And if I want to listener all documents it's ok "databases.${db_id}.collections.${ads_id}.documents.*?

10 Mar, 2023, 11:55

You need to use those channels

10 Mar, 2023, 14:04


10 Mar, 2023, 19:13

[SOLVED] How to generate id like admin dashboard in android sdk


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