
is there python support in Appwrite? trying to host a Flask API, not able to do it on my linux

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1 Mar, 2023, 03:31

Trying to host a python based FLASK API, i failed at hosting it on the linux server, APP write looks promising, is there a python hosting support?

User is asking if there is Python support in Appwrite as they are trying to host a Flask API on a Linux server. They mention that they have failed to host it on the server and are interested in Python hosting support. The response states that there is Python support in Appwrite and suggests using Appwrite Functions or hosting the Flask app separately. The user is informed that they can use the Appwrite Python SDK with Flask. The issue of hosting the Flask app on the same server as Appwrite is discussed and it is mentioned that Appwrite does not provide hosting, but the same server can be used for both Appwrite and the Flask app
1 Mar, 2023, 03:32

Appwrite doesn't provide hosting, but whatever server you're using to run Appwrite can also be used to run your flask app.

1 Mar, 2023, 03:35

What problems are you having running your Flask app on the same server as Appwrite?

1 Mar, 2023, 14:23

I haven't tried Appwrite yet, but i am sure it will be an awesome experience as the description said open source alternative for firebase

1 Mar, 2023, 14:23

Will pay my experience and steps here that i will do to run the flask for others to follow

1 Mar, 2023, 15:58

If you're just trying to run Flask on Linux and use the Appwrite Python SDK with flask, that's a possibility.

1 Mar, 2023, 15:59

So there is Python support, but you'll have to host that somewhere yourself

1 Mar, 2023, 15:59

i want to to host a production API, its just one endpoint, it does an amazing thing relate to Computer Vision

1 Mar, 2023, 16:00

will start Appwrite in few hours

1 Mar, 2023, 16:31

sooooo do you need to use a separate flask app or can you use an Appwrite Function?

We have a limitation right now on some libraries, so you'd only be able to use Appwrite Functions if you're able to install the packages

1 Mar, 2023, 16:32

yes steve, i am exploring appwrite and mapping what are firebase feature -> appwrite features

1 Mar, 2023, 16:32

will update my outcome today itself

1 Mar, 2023, 18:30

Hey there πŸ‘‹ I wouldlove to hear your honest feedback. I am currently working on improvements for Appwrite Functions, and if there is anything that you feel like is missing or complex, this might be the best time to bring it up πŸ˜‡


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