
Database query

  • 0
  • Databases
  • Flutter
18 Feb, 2023, 11:22

i am using flutter sdk (appwrite: ^8.2.2) and cloud appwrite. When i am try to query getting an error -: Index not found: user_id

user_id is the attribute in my db.

My code is below

await databases.listDocuments( databaseId: AppWriteConstants.databaseId, collectionId: AppWriteConstants.colProjectUserRole, queries: [ Query.equal('user_id', prefs.getString(PreferenceType.userId) ?? ''), ], )

The user is facing an issue with a database query using Flutter SDK and Appwrite. They are getting an error "Index not found: user_id" when trying to query. The solution to this issue is to create an index for the 'user_id' attribute. The user can refer to the Appwrite documentation on indexes for more information.
18 Feb, 2023, 15:28

You must create an index of your attribute in order to use it in a query.

Ref: Also see this post by VicentGe

18 Feb, 2023, 15:51

Thank you @Ponguta_ . It solve the issue.


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