I have hosted appwrite on DigitalOcean. I'm using Node.js Cloud Functions to write some data to the database. But, I'm unable to do it as it throws errror Error: connect ECONNREFUSED"
Error: connect ECONNREFUSED
Error: getaddrinfo ENOTFOUND hostname
Did you pass the correct endpoint to client.setEndpoint()
Yes, I created the function using CLI appwrite init function
That doesn't necessarily mean you're passing the correct endpoint
So did you create the variable with the correct value?
I think, I have misunderstood that SDK provides the variables. Am I right?
Nope. The are the only built in variables: https://appwrite.io/docs/functions#functionVariables
Cool. I have inspected them. So, now I understood that we provide the endpoint. How can we know it?
Maybe this will help? https://appwrite.io/docs/getting-started-for-server
Thank you very much man. I resolved it after passing correct ENDPOINT.
One question, when I redeploy the function, the roles are missing. I need to set it everytime. Can I know the reason?
Did you add the execution roles to your appwrite.json?
[SOLVED] Error: getaddrinfo ENOTFOUND hostname
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