Hi, relatively new here. Recently got teams working. I am using Vue clientside to invite team members with email link.
Playing around with 2 users, call them A and B.
When A creates a team, it shows 1 member (A).
When A sends invite to B, it shows 2 members (B shows not joined)
When B clicks on the email link and joins with updateMembershipStatus()
, it now shows 3 members total (as seen in pic) but the members list only shows 2.
I can show some of my code This is on my accept invite view component
onMounted(async () => {
const user = useUserStore();
console.log("AcceptInviteView user.current:", user.current);
if (!user.current) return;
const userId = route.query.userId;
const secret = route.query.secret;
const membershipId = route.query.membershipId;
const teamId = route.query.teamId;
try {
await teams.updateMembershipStatus(teamId, membershipId, userId, secret);
message.value = "You have successfully joined the team!";
setTimeout(() => router.push("/"), 3000);
} catch (error) {
console.error("Membership confirmation failed:", error);
message.value = "Failed to accept the invite.";
Here is my router beforeEach function which I use to direct users to login if they are not logged in but keep the redirect link as a query param. I tried without logging in but seems you have to be logged in to accept the invite?
router.beforeEach(async (to) => {
const user = useUserStore()
if (user.current === null) {
await user.init()
console.log('User data loaded')
if (to.name === 'accept-invite' && user.current === null) {
console.log('User is not logged in and accepting invite')
return {
name: 'login',
query: { redirect: to.fullPath },
} else if (to.name !== 'login' && user.current === null) {
console.log('User is not logged in')
return { name: 'login' }
if (user.current && to.name === 'login') {
return { name: 'home' }
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