
How can I query for pref in Teams

  • 1
  • Functions
  • Cloud
Ankit Maniya
13 Mar, 2025, 16:03

for example in teams' pref i have pref = { "code": "CDJKUE" }

I have created query like below

TeamList teamList = await teams.list(queries: [
    Query.equal("prefs", ["CDJKUE"])

type of queries in teams is {List<String>? queries} {"error":"AppwriteException: general_argument_invalid, Invalid queries param: Invalid query: Attribute not found in schema: prefs (400)"}

Developers want to query for prefs in Teams but are getting an error because the attribute 'prefs' is not found in the schema. To find the team name based on prefs data code, the correct query should be: ``` TeamList teamList = await teams.list(queries: [ Query.equal("", ["CDJKUE"]) ]); ```
Ankit Maniya
13 Mar, 2025, 16:25

I want to find the team name from prefs data code

teamList:: {$id: 67d20cf6ed94dac54a81, $createdAt: 2025-03-12T22:38:47.201+00:00, $updatedAt: 2025-03-12T22:38:47.517+00:00, name: Rock Team, total: 1, prefs: {data: {code: GZFRD6}}}
Ankit Maniya
13 Mar, 2025, 16:26

in query does it support like Query.equal("", ["CDJKUE"]);


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