
socket hang up and ECONNRESET error

  • 1
  • Functions
  • Cloud
22 Feb, 2025, 18:30

I made a function that downloads file from url and uploads to, but it keeps giving one of following two errors.

[ERROR] FetchError: request to failed, reason: socket hang up
[ERROR] FetchError: request to failed, reason: read ECONNRESET

This is my code:

async function uploadToPomf(url) {
    const fileResponse = await fetch(url);
    if (!fileResponse.ok) throw new Error('File download failed');

    const buffer = await fileResponse.arrayBuffer();
    const contentType = fileResponse.headers.get('content-type');
    const ext = contentType.startsWith('video') ? 'mp4' : 'webp';

    console.log(`[POMF] Uploading ${ext} file...`);
    console.log(`[POMF] Content-Type: ${contentType}`);
    console.log(`[POMF] Buffer size: ${buffer.byteLength} bytes`);

    const form = new FormData();
    form.append('files[]', Buffer.from(buffer), {
        filename: `file_${}.${ext}`,
        contentType: contentType,
        knownLength: buffer.length

    const pomfResponse = await fetch('', {
        method: 'POST',
        body: form,
        headers: form.getHeaders()

    console.log(`[POMF] ${pomfResponse.status} ${await pomfResponse.text()}`);
    if (!pomfResponse.ok) throw new Error(`HTTP ${pomfResponse.status}`);

    const pomfData = await pomfResponse.json();
    if (!pomfData.success) throw new Error('Pomf upload failed');
    return pomfData.files[0].url;

Even following code gives same error

const testResponse = await fetch('', {
            method: 'HEAD',
            timeout: 10000

How can I fix this? Does this mean blocked appwrite cloud functions ip?

The developers are facing "socket hang up" and "ECONNRESET" errors when trying to upload files to "". They suspect that the appwrite cloud functions IP might be blocked. The issue might be due to a connection problem or rate limiting from the server, and not necessarily IP blocking. Possible solutions: 1. Check if there are any rate limits or restrictions on the server side. 2. Ensure that the connection to "" is stable and reliable. 3. Try adding a delay between requests to avoid overwhelming the server. 4. Implement error handling and retry

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