
Python: Execution timeout with xasync=true

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  • Functions
20 Feb, 2025, 16:50

Hello, I have a long running function that is meant to analyze and update ~100k entries into Appwrite.

The data is retrieved as a blob from another source and needs to be processed into various collections.

Running the function locally takes around 5 minutes, but I cannot get it to work on as a function on Appwrite as it times out after a minute with this message :

Internal curl errors has occurred within the executor! Error Number: 28. Error Msg: Operation timed out after 94004 milliseconds with 0 bytes received\nError Code: 500

Since there are thousands of calls, the entire program uses async calls with aiohttp, and I launch the execution with xasync=true.

Running the program locally on the appwrite sdk takes far longer (~20 minutes), but it works ok, indicating that the issue is not in the program itself.

Where should I look to solve the issue ?

Is it possible to create/update multiple documents with a single HTTP call ? I could then craft the appropriate response externally and import the data much faster.

Long-running Python function to update 100k entries in Appwrite times out due to execution timeout with xasync=true. Running locally takes 5 minutes. Issue arises when running on Appwrite, receiving error code 500 with timeout after a minute. Consider optimizing for faster execution or batch updating documents to reduce HTTP calls.

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