Error uploading document: AppwriteException: document_invalid_structure, Invalid document structure: Unknown attribute: "id" (400)
The file is successfully uploaded but throwing the above error

cc: @Darshan Pandya

how are you uploading the file, maybe share a snippet as well?

is this reproducible via console as well?


final file = await _storage.createFile(
bucketId: _bucketId,
fileId: ID.unique(),
file: InputFile.fromBytes(
bytes: fileData,
filename: name,
contentType: 'application/octet-stream',
// permissions: [
// Permission.read(Role.any()),
// Permission.write(Role.any()),
// ],

code looks OK, what sdk version?

upload on console works fine so its not the API bug on Cloud.

are you making any database calls too? maybe somewhere else in parallel?

the internal id
s are always prefixed with $
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