Trying to authenticate user using cookie- the cookie stores the 'secret' code. Literally following the guide on the website. Thinking at minimum the guideline code should work ?
I'm getting the error:
User (role: guests) missing scope (account)
i take the secret from the google auth sign in (in the url/ poor practise- don't understand how it's done this way) then i set the session with the secret from the cookie and use that to account.get()- see below- (python-fastapi server side) `` client2=Client() sessionclient= client2.set_endpoint('https://cloud.appwrite.io/v1').set_project('xx')
@app.post("/api/newforumpost", status_code=status.HTTP_200_OK) async def newpostforum( request: Request , post_title: str = Form(...) , post_body: str = Form(...) , Forum_name: str = Form(...), postimages: list[UploadFile] = File(None) ): try: greencookie= request.cookies.get('greenvillelogin') #print(forumnamedict[Forum_name.capitalize()]) sessionclient.set_session(greencookie) account = Account(sessionclient) user = account.get() print(user) forumpostimages=[]``
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