Hi, I always get the error messages that the token I pass is invalid although it is the one from the Authenticator App which has been added by scanning the QR code.
This is my code: async createMFA() { try { account.updateMFA(true);
const { secret, uri } = await account.createMfaAuthenticator(
AuthenticatorType.Totp // type
console.log("Authenticator URI:", uri, "Secret:", secret);
const result = await avatars.getQR(
uri, // text
800, // size (optional)
0, // margin (optional)
false // download (optional)
const qrString = result.toString();
console.log("QR Code String:", qrString);
return qrString
} catch (error) {
async activateMFA(OTP: string) {
try {
const result = await account.updateMfaAuthenticator(
AuthenticatorType.Totp, // type
OTP // otp
if (result) {
const response = await account.updateMFA(true);
} catch (error) {
console.log('Error' + error)
Can someone help me please?
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