
i created a chat app this use appwrite realtime connection, but facing an issue regarding latency

  • 0
  • Self Hosted
  • Flutter
  • Realtime
28 Jan, 2025, 17:36

Each collection represents a chat, and permission is granted based on the team ID. When sending a message, I listen for real-time updates, and the message is displayed to the sender only once a real-time trigger occurs. However, there is a noticeable delay for the first message, which doesn’t happen with subsequent messages. Is there any solution for this issue? or any idea what causing this. ?.

Developers facing latency issue with first message in chat app using Appwrite realtime connection. Permissions granted based on team ID. Looking for solution to reduce delay for initial message, as subsequent messages are delivered without issue. Any insights or suggestions on resolving this problem?

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