
Is there a way to prevent user updating their preferences?

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  • Web
  • Cloud
14 Jan, 2025, 10:08

I want to store some user data in the preferences. However, I don't want users to be able to modify it by directly querying the API. Basically, I want user preferences to be editable only by the server, not the client. Is there a way to achieve this, and should I rely on this approach, or would it be better to create a separate database for this purpose?

Developers want to prevent users from updating preferences directly. They can achieve this by creating a new collection with read permission only, then managing edits through a server SDK or server SDK + function. This ensures user data in preferences is editable only by the server, not the client. Another option is to consider creating a separate database for this purpose.
Darshan Pandya
14 Jan, 2025, 10:11

Every user can edit their own preferences. If you don't to allow that, create a new collection and allow read permission to it. edit it via a server sdk or server sdk + function.

14 Jan, 2025, 10:12



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