Getting network request failed when trying to upload image to bucket in react native
- 0
- React Native
- Storage
- Cloud
so, this is the exact error i'm getting
(NOBRIDGE) ERROR Error uploading file: [AppwriteException: Network request failed]```
and this is my code
``` const AvatarHandle = async() => {
let avatar = await ImagePicker.launchImageLibraryAsync({
mediaTypes: ['images'],
allowsEditing: true,
aspect: [4,3],
quality: 1,
if(!avatar.canceled) {
const sessione = await account.get();
try {
const response = await fetch(avatar.assets[0].uri);
const blob = await response.blob();
const file = new File([blob], "image.jpg", { type: "image/jpeg" });
console.log("Uploading file to storage...");
const uploadedFile = await storage.createFile('BucketID', 'unique()', file);
console.log("File uploaded successfully:", uploadedFile);
} catch (error) {
console.error("Error uploading file:", error);{
type: 'error',
text1: 'Upload Failed',
text2: 'Network request failed. Please try again.'
Developers are experiencing a network request failed error when trying to upload an image to a bucket in React Native using Appwrite. The code appears to be set up correctly, but the issue persists. A possible solution could be to double-check the BucketID and ensure that all permissions are correctly set up in the Appwrite console. ៚მղოօl៚
Though, everything else is just working fine, database & auth are just running smoothly. I tried a lot but seems issue is with appwrite, I just can't figure it out
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