
Few thing re Pro plan

  • 0
  • Databases
  • Messaging
  • Storage
  • Cloud
  • React Native
6 Jan, 2025, 06:27

I'm thinking of using Appwrite as my primary BaaS for my apps. I had the following questions re Pro Plan:

  1. What's the DB storage limit? I don't see any number re that.
  2. Is messaging (including notifications) unlimited on the Pro Plan? Is there any usage that might be incurred on the Functions for this?
  3. Is there a way to presign Storage Urls for now?

Thanks in advance!

- Pro Plan: 300GB/month bandwidth limit, 3.5 million executions/month for messaging functions - Appwrite DB abstracted as document DB for performance - Appwrite Pro Plan: no specified DB storage limit, unlimited messaging with potential Function usage - Capability to presign Storage URLs not currently available.
6 Jan, 2025, 06:35

Also one more question re DB:

I see Appwrite DB is based on MariaDB which afaik is SQL based. Whereas the Appwrite DB is abstracted as a document DB as per docs. What does that mean when it comes to performance when compared to

  1. Supabase which is based on and acts like an SQL DB
  2. Firestore which is a NoSQL DB
6 Jan, 2025, 06:41

1: No limit on DB but have a limited bandwidth... 300GB/month 2: unlimited messages. If you are using functions for sending message then you have limitation of 3.5 million per month of executing function.


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