
Invalid query syntax

  • 0
  • Databases
  • Cloud
27 Dec, 2024, 02:33


My URL looks like this, using a simple query to list documents: ..... without query parameter, my listdocuments works correctly to return all documents ...

when I add queries url parameter, i get the syntax error .... "general query invalid" 400 error

My URL lookslike this ... selecting 3 attributes.[0]={\"method\":\"select\",\"values\":[\"claimedByEmail\",\"status\",\"licenseKey\"]}

As far as I can tell this follows the asked syntax perfectly.

Thank you in advance for any help.

Issue: Developer is encountering an "Invalid query syntax" error when adding a query parameter to their URL for listing documents. Solution: The query syntax in the URL is incorrect. To include queries, the correct format should be used. Instead of 'queries[0]={\"method\":\"select\",\"values\":[\"claimedByEmail\",\"status\",\"licenseKey\"]}', the correct format is 'filters=[{\"field\":\"fieldName\",\"operator\":\"=\",\"value\":\"fieldValue\"}]'. Adjust the query parameter in the URL accordingly for it to work correctly.

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