
Appwrite Function's URL cannot be reached

  • 1
  • Self Hosted
  • Functions
21 Dec, 2024, 06:41

Hello, guys.

I am running Appwrite on my domain It is listening to 2780 and 27443 for HTTP & HTTPS respectively. On the same server, I have Nginx Proxy Manager running on 80/443, forwarding every request to and * to the Appwrite instance on port 2780 (e.g. http://ip:2780). SSL certificates are valid from NPM.

Below are the configs in the .env:


I then publish a Function from local via appwrite publish. It was assigned the URL However, the URL doesn't work. I tried all sorts of HTTP methods, such as GET, POST, PUT, etc., but it always timed out. The code was very simple too:

export default async ({ res }) => {
    return res.json({
        motto: "Build like a team of hundreds_",

So now I'm stuck. Any advice is highly appreciated!

Developers are having trouble reaching an Appwrite Function's URL set up with Nginx Proxy Manager. The Function URL times out despite having valid SSL certificates. Solution: Ensure the Function domain is correctly configured in the Appwrite `.env` file, including `_APP_DOMAIN`, `_APP_DOMAIN_FUNCTIONS`, and `_APP_DOMAIN_TARGET`. Additionally, double-check the Nginx Proxy Manager settings to ensure proper forwarding to the Appwrite instance.

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