Hello, I have a question regarding Queries in Appwrite. If I have a string "YYYY-MM", how can I query the $createdAt column to match this filter?
The developer is querying the $createdAt column using a string in the format "YYYY-MM". The solution is to create variables for the start and end of the month using the provided date string. Then, include a query to filter records between these dates using `sdk.Query.between('$createdAt', startOfMonth, endOfMonthISO)`. Morel
const date_time = "2024-11"; const batchs = await databases.listDocuments( process.env.APPWRITE_DATABASE_ID, process.env.APPWRITE_COLLECTION_ID, [ ? ] );
const startOfMonth = "${date_time}-01T00:00:00.000Z";
const endOfMonth = new Date("${date_time}-01T00:00:00.000Z");
endOfMonth.setMonth(endOfMonth.getMonth() + 1);
const endOfMonthISO = endOfMonth.toISOString();
query.push(sdk.Query.between('$createdAt', startOfMonth, endOfMonthISO));
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