
Error After Renaming Attribute in Appwrite Collection

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M Zeeshan
10 Dec, 2024, 01:51

hello there... I think there's a bug in Appwrite. I created a collection named glasses with several attributes, including one called thumbnailUrl. Today, I decided to rename this attribute to thumbnail. However, Appwrite is now throwing an error. Here's what happened and the error I'm receiving:

[AppwriteException: Invalid document structure: Missing required attribute "thumbnailUrl"] {
  name: 'AppwriteException',
  code: 400,
  type: 'document_invalid_structure',
  response: {
  message: 'Invalid document structure: Missing required attribute "thumbnailUrl"',
  code: 400,
  type: 'document_invalid_structure',
  version: '1.6.1'

My glasses collection is empty.

Developers renamed the 'thumbnailUrl' attribute in an Appwrite collection to 'thumbnail' and encountered an error, even though the collection was empty. The error indicated a missing required attribute 'thumbnailUrl'. **Solution:** Ensure to update the attribute name in all relevant locations within the Appwrite collection settings to match the new name 'thumbnail'.

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