
Multilingual full text search?

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  • Self Hosted
  • Databases
16 Oct, 2024, 14:43

Hi, I'm currently using Supabase, I'm evaluating migrating to Appwrite. On Supabase I can use pgroonga for multilingual full text search, is there something equivalent in Appwrite?

I see in the docs that full text search is available, but I'm not seeing what languages are supported. In particular, I'm looking for support for languages not separated by white space like Chinese, Japanese, Thai, etc.

Developers looking to switch from Supabase to Appwrite are wondering if there is an equivalent to pgroonga for multilingual full text search. Appwrite does support full text search, but it's not clear which languages are supported. They are specifically interested in languages like Chinese, Japanese, and Thai that are not separated by white space.

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