
How to refresh a token with node js sdk?

  • 0
  • Auth
  • Web
  • Cloud
16 Oct, 2024, 10:38

I have build a node js server with some protected routes by using a middleware. The protected route is serving an index.html file / Javascript files ..

I need to grant access to those private routes to the logged in user only (email and password). I manage to do that by passing at the url of the protected route - the user's token and his user id - so I check it in the middleware - and it's working. Problem is - the token valid only for 15 minutes.

Is my approach is valid? and what should I do to refresh the token? Thanks

Developers built a Node.js server with protected routes using middleware that grants access to logged-in users only. Tokens expire in 15 minutes. Is their approach valid, and how can they refresh the token? Solution: Consider implementing token refreshing using techniques like issuing new tokens or utilizing refresh tokens.

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