
collection specific permissions for dynamic key

  • 0
  • Functions
  • Cloud
15 Oct, 2024, 14:07

Is it possible to give a dynamic key permission to delete a specific collection or database instead of all of them? There is one database that we want to put extra protections on to prevent accidental deletion. Our cloud function has permission to delete documents. Is there a way to specify that a particular collection cannot be deleted using the dynamic key of the cloud function? Is there a way to specify this using regular keys? I understand that the permissions in the collection settings are not used if using a key, is this correct? Thank you

Developers asked if it's possible to give a dynamic key permission to delete a specific collection or database instead of all of them. They want extra protections on a database to prevent accidental deletion with the cloud function's key. The solution is to set up authorization within the function to prevent access to certain collections. Collection settings permissions are not applicable when using a key.
15 Oct, 2024, 14:15

I don't believe there is a way to limit api keys to just specific collections. They operate as an admin of sorts, you grant them access to everything. Collection.Read, grants them access to read everything within all collections. You can setup your own authorization within the function, preventing it from accessing certain collections.


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