
Help for GraphQL with Flutter

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  • GraphQL
14 Oct, 2024, 16:47

Hello everyone. I would like to know if someone can provide me with an example of using the GraphQL API with Flutter for example to list all the documents in a collection. I tried all afternoon, but I can't get the API to work. There is always something wrong, even when the requests are copied and pasted from docs in Postman. I also tried the GraphQL debugging tool used in the presentation videos, but the docker command tells me that the image does not exist

Thanks in advance

Having trouble with GraphQL and Flutter, specifically Altair? Use the 0.3.0 tag instead of the latest one. If you need help with using the GraphQL API in Flutter to list documents, ensure requests are accurate. The GraphQL debugging tool might throw an error about a missing image when using the docker command. Solution: Use Altair 0.3.0 tag instead of the latest one for Altair. Double-check the accuracy of requests when using the GraphQL API in Flutter.
14 Oct, 2024, 16:54

For Altair, the latest tag don't work I have use the 0.3.0 tag. This problem is solved

14 Oct, 2024, 16:55

But not my GrapQL one


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