
Temporary Access or Appropriate Access for File for External Reading

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  • Cloud
12 Oct, 2024, 23:56

i need to input my "" image link as a param for a replicate method but I am unsure what the proper permission setup should be so replicate can have access to using it but not expose it as any allow for everyone to retrieve the stored file? I'm sorry if this seems novice but very unfimiliar without permissions i don't think a .getSignedUrl method exists in appwrite so unsure what to do

To restrict access to your image link for external reading without exposing it to everyone, you need to set appropriate permissions. Since the .getSignedUrl method isn't available in Appwrite, you can generate a time-limited signed URL using a cloud provider like AWS or Google Cloud Storage. This will allow controlled temporary access to the file for replication without exposing it indefinitely.

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