
File Extension Not Allowed

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  • Cloud
12 Oct, 2024, 19:01

I have no permissions yet am seeing this error in an attempt to create a .tar file my array buffer of an image in my storage using this ```js const result = await storage.getFileView('SID', 'FID'); const buffer = Buffer.from(result); const pack = tar.pack(); pack.entry({ name: IMG_0930.png }, buffer, () => { pack.finalize(); });

const chunks = [];
pack.on('data', (chunk) => chunks.push(chunk));
pack.on('end', async () => {
  const tarBuffer = Buffer.concat(chunks);

  const filename = 'images.tar'; 
  const uploadedFile = await storage.createFile(
      InputFile.fromBuffer(tarBuffer, filename) 

});``` would appreciate the help pls

Issue with file extension validation in storage settings causing errors. Developer removed the extension and it worked, but wonders if permissions glitch reverted settings. Code provided shows attempt to create .tar file resulting in error despite no permissions issues. Solution: Check and adjust file extension settings for the bucket.
12 Oct, 2024, 19:04

What did you set for the file extensions for the bucket?

12 Oct, 2024, 19:14

i just removed it rn and it worked again but i'm pretty sure i hade done this before. is there a glitch at times when you update your. permission settings they will revert to the previous permissions?

12 Oct, 2024, 19:16

File extension validation isn't permissions, but no I haven't heard of updates not persisting


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