
app.*** (role: applications) missing scope (account)

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4 Oct, 2024, 11:46

When I register the user as per my code below everything works well (session creation and database) except for this line """await account.createVerification(, "http://localhost:3000/verification" //for development purpose );"""

which bring me this error (role: applications) missing scope (account).

It is important to node that I am using appwrite in my node-express application. This error also appears when i try to fetch user with account.get as per the code provided. I have set everything (env API keys and secret) correctly.

Issue: Error " (role: applications) missing scope (account)" when using appwrite in node-express application. Solution: Ensure that the necessary scopes are granted for the application in the Appwrite console. Check and adjust the permissions to include the 'account' scope to resolve the error.

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