Regarding updating database, like collections and stuff
Let's say I have a cloud function that creates a database and some collections with their attributes.
Later on, if I want to add additional attributes to the collection, programatically via the same cloud function, and I add additional code to create an attribute in existing collection, will the function go and create another db, collections, etc, or just update existing thing?
If it will not just updat the existing thing, can you suggest some proper way of handling this?
depends on how you write your code 🧐
Well I would like to avoid bunch of if exists
I was just wondering if those are already built in so we don't have to write bunch of checks. So only newly added things are being ran and updated while existing stuff is intact (and not recreated, deleted, etc).
Some frameworks and clouds already handle that. I think Laravel handled it a long time ago.
And AWS stacks files also handle infrastructure in that way. Like if you define database, tables and other infrastructure, it creates it first time it runs. When you add additions to it or changes, it only runs those additions/changes against existing resources.
It would be nice if appwrite would handle project infrastructure / resources in that way too. Sometime in the future at least, if nothing like that is present now. :)=
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