Invalid token passed in the request by updateVerification even though verification works
- 1
- Auth
Does someone know why appwrite throws this error even though the verification is updated in the console? I am using nuxt3.
Here is my code in my /server/api/verify
import { Account, Client } from "node-appwrite";
export default defineEventHandler(async (event) => {
const query = getQuery(event);
const config = useRuntimeConfig();
const client = new Client().setProject(config.public.appwriteProjectId);
const account = new Account(client);
try {
await account.updateVerification(query.userId, query.secret);
return true;
} catch (e) {
Issue: Appwrite is throwing an "Invalid token" error despite successful verification updating in the console for developers using Nuxt3.
Solution: The code snippet provided is using `account.updateVerification(query.userId, query.secret)` in the `/server/api/verify` endpoint, which may be causing the error. Developers should check the validity of `query.userId` and `query.secret` being passed as parameters for the verification update. Recommended threads
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