
How to query updated documents - Swift?

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  • Apple
Ranga Reddy
28 Sep, 2024, 19:32

Should retrieve modified documents of a specified type from the Appwrite database by querying the timestamp.

func fetchModifiedDocuments<T: Codable>(
        collectionId: String,
        since timestamp: TimeInterval
    ) async throws -> [AppwriteModels.Document<T>] {
        do {
            let query = Query.greaterThan("$updatedAt", value: timestamp)
            let documents = try await databases.listDocuments(
                databaseId: AppwriteConstants.DATABASE_ID,
                collectionId: collectionId,
                queries: [query],
                nestedType: T.self
            return documents.documents
        } catch {
            print("Error fetching modified documents: \(error.localizedDescription)")
            throw error


Error fetching modified documents: Invalid query: Query value is invalid for attribute "$updatedAt" Error fetching decks: Invalid query: Query value is invalid for attribute "$updatedAt"

Fetch modified documents of a specific type from the Appwrite database by querying the timestamp. Error: Query value is invalid for the "$updatedAt" attribute. Solution: Ensure the query value is appropriate for the "$updatedAt" attribute when querying for modified documents in Swift.

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