
Environment variable for sentry missing but .env is set correctly

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27 Sep, 2024, 19:30

I set the variables in the .env as follow:


Then I recreated the container with docker compose up -d --force-recreate but the variable for _APP_LOGGING_PROVIDER is not set. The one for _APP_LOGGING_CONFIG is set correctly.

docker compose exec appwrite vars | grep LOGGING gives me:


I tried already:

  • reboot
  • rebuild the container

Any ideas how to get the env set correctly?

Environment variable for Sentry isn't being set despite .env file being correct. After recreating container, _APP_LOGGING_PROVIDER remains empty while _APP_LOGGING_CONFIG is correct. Tried rebooting and rebuilding container. Solution: Check if environment variable is being unset or overwritten elsewhere in the code.

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