
wrong redirect in Astro and OAUTH [ERROR] AppwriteException: Invalid redirect in vercel

  • 1
  • Auth
  • Web
  • Cloud
27 Sep, 2024, 06:37

I deployed to vercel and the OAUTH login with google is not working.

   at _Client.redirect (file:///var/task/node_modules/node-appwrite/dist/client.mjs:255:13)
   at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)
   at async Account.createOAuth2Token (file:///var/task/node_modules/node-appwrite/dist/services/account.mjs:1148:12)
   at async Module.POST (file:///var/task/.vercel/output/_functions/pages/_---locale_/oauth.astro.mjs:10:23)
   at async renderEndpoint (file:///var/task/.vercel/output/_functions/chunks/astro/server_aTtm80fm.mjs:49:20)
   at async lastNext (file:///var/task/.vercel/output/_functions/chunks/index_DrXHQuLb.mjs:770:23)
   at async file:///var/task/.vercel/output/_functions/chunks/entrypoint_Bv5uVM9U.mjs:54:22
   at async callMiddleware (file:///var/task/.vercel/output/_functions/chunks/index_DrXHQuLb.mjs:253:10)
   at async RenderContext.render (file:///var/task/.vercel/output/_functions/chunks/index_DrXHQuLb.mjs:809:22)
   at async NodeApp.render (file:///var/task/.vercel/output/_functions/chunks/entrypoint_Bv5uVM9U.mjs:867:18)```

I have all the domains  configured in google's credentials page ( I can't add a screen shot but  I have the localhost, the bought domain with and without "www" and my redirect url in google is what APPWRITE provides me.

Please help 😦
Developers encountered an error with the OAUTH login using Google on Vercel, resulting in an "Invalid redirect" AppwriteException. They have already configured all necessary domains in Google's credentials page. Solution: Make sure the provided redirect URL by Appwrite matches the one set in Google's credentials page.

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