
Function Scheduled Execution Error

  • 1
  • Self Hosted
  • Functions
23 Sep, 2024, 17:25

I'm using the new 1.6 self-hosted release and I'm trying to create a scheduled execution for a function. When I actually create that execution I catch following error: [23.09.2024 17:21:46] error: Failed to create scheduled function execution for 'Test' -> Server Error

What does Server Error mean? There is no execution created in dashboard for me to investigate further.

Developer is encountering a Server Error when attempting to create a scheduled function execution in the new 1.6 self-hosted release. The error message says, "[23.09.2024 17:21:46] error: Failed to create scheduled function execution for 'Test' -> Server Error". Unfortunately, no execution is appearing in the dashboard for further investigation.

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