
Need Help regarding server side authentication/client setup

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  • Auth
  • Web
  • Cloud
22 Sep, 2024, 13:37

I have initialised two clients in appwrite one with .setSession() other with .setKey()

. If have to call the function for creating those clients and get something from it like databses, account, user, storage etc I have used these things in many places so i have to call the function in many places and the function will get triggered everytime the page loads but before i had the exports to databses , account, user, storage now will it consume more resources and cost more time , or is there something i can do ?

Developers are managing two clients in Appwrite, one with `.setSession()` and the other with `.setKey()`, used across various parts of the code. To optimize, export the functions that create clients with modules needed. This will avoid multiple initializations and save resources.
22 Sep, 2024, 13:39

prev code

import env from '@/env';
import { Client, Storage, Databases, Users, Avatars } from 'node-appwrite';

let client = new Client();


const databases = new Databases(client);
const avatars = new Avatars(client);
const storage = new Storage(client);
const users = new Users(client);

export { client, databases, users, avatars, storage };
22 Sep, 2024, 13:39

current code


import { SESSION_COOKIE } from '@/const';
import env from '@/env';
import { cookies } from 'next/headers';
import { Client, Storage, Databases, Users, Avatars, Account } from 'node-appwrite';

export async function createSessionClient() {
  const client = new Client()
  const session = cookies().get(SESSION_COOKIE);

  if (!session || !session.value) {
    throw new Error("No session found");


  return {
    get account() {
      return new Account(client);
    get storage() {
      return new Storage(client);
    get databases() {
      return new Databases(client);
    get users() {
      return new Users(client);
    get avatars() {
      return new Avatars(client);

export async function createAdminClient() {
  const client = new Client()
  return {
    get account() {
      return new Account(client);
    get storage() {
      return new Storage(client);
    get databases() {
      return new Databases(client);
    get users() {
      return new Users(client);
    get avatars() {
      return new Avatars(client);

export async function getLoggedInUser() {
  try {
    const { account } = await createSessionClient()
    return await account.get();
  } catch (err) {
    return null;

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