
Node(Express) backend deployment issues

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17 Sep, 2024, 20:52

Hey folks,

I’m hitting a wall with deploying my Node.js 18 app (using Express and TypeScript) to Appwrite. This is my first time with Appwrite and backend stuff, so I’m a bit stuck.

Here’s the Setup Stack: Node.js 18, Express, TypeScript Build Command:

yarn install --production=false && yarn build && node fix-extensions.js && yarn install --production --frozen-lockfile && node dist/server.js

First, install everything (yarn install --production=false).

Then build the app (yarn build).

Run a script to fix import extensions (node fix-extensions.js).

Reinstall just the production dependencies (yarn install --production --frozen-lockfile).

Finally, start the app (node dist/server.js).

so I am putting the entry point as dist/server.js as well in this case

The Problem When I deploy, I get these errors:

Initial Error:

{"message":"Runtime not ready. Container not found.","code":500,"version":"0.6.10"} This happens almost right away.

Timeout Error:(second error)

{"message":"Synchronous function execution timed out. Use asynchronous execution instead, or ensure the execution duration doesn't exceed 30 seconds."} After the first error, it seems like the deployment just times out(after 30 minutes of building ?) .

Everything works perfectly on my local setup, so it seems like it’s an Appwrite-specific issue? or i am not sure ? anyone has any ideas ?

Developers encountering deployment issues with Node.js 18 app running Express and TypeScript on Appwrite. App fails with "Runtime not ready” and “Synchronous function execution timed out” errors. Appwrite-specific issue suspected. Solution: Review and potentially revise deployment process or investigate Appwrite-specific compatibility.

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