
`invalid secret param` when authing through Deno sdk

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16 Sep, 2024, 00:49

Using Deno sdk. Looking to auth a user using the SDK due to using another means for authentication.

    const res = await Account.createEmailPasswordSession(userEmail, '12345678');
    const actRec = await Account.createSession(res.userId, res.secret);```

Error response ```
AppwriteException {
  message: "Invalid `secret` param: Value must be a valid string and at least 1 chars and no longer than 256 cha"... 2 more characters,
  code: 400,

It was working but randomly started showing this message. Any ideas?

Title: `invalid secret param` error when authing through Deno SDK Developers are receiving an "invalid secret param" error when trying to authenticate a user using the Deno SDK. The SDK code snippet provided needs to be revisited. It seems the `secret` value is not being properly generated or passed. The error message indicates that the `secret` value must be a valid string between 1 and 256 characters. Double-check how the `secret` value is being handled or generated before creating the session to resolve this issue.

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