
Setting up SSL

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  • Self Hosted
13 Sep, 2024, 22:51

Hello guys, I'm relatively new to web dev and I don't know much about it. I have installed Appwrite on my VPS and follow the docs to setup SSL. It works, whenever I go to "" it redirects me from http to https "". But when I enter my VPS ip address or when I enter "". It didn't redirect to https.

I tried to block the port 80 in firewall, then nothing works. I would like to disable unsecured routes but I don't know how, I'll be appreciated if someone could help me with it.

This is how I configure DNS records:

New developer trying to set up SSL on VPS with Appwrite. Redirects to https for "" but not for IP address or "". Trying to disable unsecured routes and needs help. DNS records configuration included. Solution: Update server configuration to include redirection for IP address and "" to https.

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