
Need Help in Login page

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  • Web
12 Sep, 2024, 05:58

I am trying to implement login system in my web app but its showing error

const handleLogin = async (e) => { e.preventDefault(); try { // Create a session using email and password const session = await account.createSession(email, password); // Only email and password should be passed here console.log('Login successful:', session); navigate('/profile'); // Redirect to profile or dashboard after successful login } catch (err) { console.error('Login failed:', err.message); setError('Login failed: ' + err.message); } }; this is my login code

Developers are experiencing an error in the login system implementation. The code provided is attempting to create a session using email and password inputs, but it is throwing an error. The suggested solution is to check the 'account.createSession' function for potential issues or incorrect usage.

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