
Searching multiple attributes at once

  • 0
  • Databases
  • Web
Los Feliz
11 Sep, 2024, 03:33

I have a react web app where the users get to make posts. I am able to obtain all the posts with listDocuments. The things is, they don't have similar attributes. Some of them have the happy attribute as true, some have curious as true, some all are true, some none, and so on. I want to fetch the posts based on the attributes being true. It is easy to obtain documents based on one attribute being true, but I am looking for a way to consider more than one attribute. For example, I wanna fetch posts that have both happy and curious as true. I did my research in the Appwrite forum and it seems like there is no straightforward way to fetch the posts based on multiple values. Or am I wrong?

Developers are trying to fetch posts with specific attributes being true. It is easy to do so with one attribute, but they are struggling to fetch posts with multiple attributes being true simultaneously. They have researched in the Appwrite forum but couldn't find a straightforward solution.

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