
(Self-Hosted) Dart function deployment build-settings don't seem to be run

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  • Self Hosted
  • Functions
9 Sep, 2024, 08:32

Hello everyone, I am currently trying to deploy a dart function on my Appwrite instance (v1.5.7). Due to the need of a corporate certificate to download dependencies I have altered the build-settings of the function. I am trying to download the certificate via wget before running dart pub get. This works with python functions. There it also logs me the output of wget. Now for the dart function I don't see an output of wget as I do for the python function. This indicates that wget is not being called during the build, or am I wrong here? Should there not be an logged output? Even when removing dart pub get from the build-settings it is still being called during deployment. What am I doing wrong?


Issue: Altered build-settings for Dart function deployment to download a certificate before running 'dart pub get' not working. No output from wget in logs like seen for Python function. Even after removing 'dart pub get', it still runs during deployment. Solution: Modify the deployment command for the Dart function to ensure that wget is properly called before running 'dart pub get'. Check the build-settings and commands to troubleshoot the issue.

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