
Is there way to ensure the backup and restoration data 100% accurate?

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  • Databases
9 Sep, 2024, 06:42

So, there is a case I faced right now.

I have successfully backup (no error thrown) and restoration (no error thrown)

I can access console normally. However, I see I missed the newly created attribute (enabled) which was created after the backup. then I manually add via console then I see as attached picture. I suspect not fully delete during the restoration.

To ensure 100% accurate backup and restoration data, developers should use commands to wipe volumes and delete the database before restoration. The missing 'enabled' field in mariadb might suggest incomplete deletion during restoration. Be sure to wipe volumes before restoring to avoid such issues.
9 Sep, 2024, 06:47

make sure to wipe the volumes too before a restore.

9 Sep, 2024, 06:49

Addition, there is no enabled field inside the mariadb.

9 Sep, 2024, 06:49

wipe ? do you mean delete DB in console before restoration?

9 Sep, 2024, 06:49

could you show me the command

9 Sep, 2024, 06:59

inside the script, i already see the rm volumes


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