
Can i have conditional statements inside email templates?

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8 Sep, 2024, 14:25

As I’m migrating my code from using Supabase to Appwrite, I’ve encountered an issue with migrating the email templates. Supabase uses Go templates, and in one of my email templates i had a line that looked like this: {{ if .Data.full_name }}Hi {{ .Data.full_name }} 👋,{{ else }}Hi There 👋,{{ end }} However, I’m unsure how to replicate this in Appwrite, as the documentation does not specify which templating language Appwrite uses.

Developers are asking if they can use conditional statements in email templates when migrating from Supabase to Appwrite. One user had a line of code in Go templates that used a conditional to personalize greetings. It's unclear how to replicate this in Appwrite, as the documentation lacks information on the templating language.

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