
login appwrite cli

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6 Sep, 2024, 01:20

hi, I'm trying to use appwrite cli in my terminal but since I login using my github account in the console, i dont have a password for the account, any idea of a workaround or fix this? thanks in advance

Developers are having issues logging in with the appwrite CLI due to accounts created via GitHub not having passwords. The recommended solution is to try initiating a password reset through the email associated with the GitHub account to set a password for future logins.
6 Sep, 2024, 04:19

Easiest way is to do Forgot Password on the email your GH acct is associated with and go through that flow and you will have a password set for that email

6 Sep, 2024, 04:22

Hi Evan, I tried that earlier but the email for resetting password wouldnt come up, I've checked my spam and everything but didnt get anything

6 Sep, 2024, 04:24

The email won't update if you've changed it on Github after you've initiated the connection, you might need to use the original one if you have changed it

6 Sep, 2024, 04:35

the thing is I've only used 1 same email for github since i first made the account there

Johann V.
17 Nov, 2024, 10:59

Hi @los , I have the same issue!! appwrite login CLI command wants a password my account doesn't have since I created it like yours, through my Github Account. What did you do exactly to be able to use the CLI?!!


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