
Get user by email

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  • Auth
  • Web
Jon-Eric Cook
5 Sep, 2024, 15:40

How would i get a user by their email?

I am integrating Paddle and their webhooks include a customer id (this is a customer id they created). I take the customer id and do a look up in their system for the user's email. Now that i have the email i dont know how to find the user in appwrite.

To get a user by email in Appwrite, you can use the following code snippet: ```js users.list([ Query.equal(“email”, USER_EMAIL_ADDRESS) ]) ``` This code will allow you to find a user based on their email address.
5 Sep, 2024, 15:53

I haven’t tested it, but this should work

    Query.equal(“email”, USER_EMAIL_ADDRESS)

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