
Errors are not returned when logging in via createEmailPasswordSession

  • 0
  • Self Hosted
  • Flutter
31 Aug, 2024, 16:36

I have a flutter app.

Appwrite version for the flutter client - appwrite client: 12.0.3, on the self-hosted server - Version 1.5.7.

When trying to log in with an error on an android device (for example, an invalid password), the error is returned, but if I want to get an error when logging in via an iOS device, the code freezes in the place that I indicated. Please help me

  Future<Session> createEmailSession(
      {required String email, required String password}) async {

    try {

      //this line is stuck
      final session = await account.createEmailPasswordSession(
          email: email, password: password);

      _currentUser = await account.get();
      _status = AuthStatus.authenticated;
      return session;
    } finally {

And here is the code that handles the exception:

  Future<void> signIn() async {
    if (loading) {
    setState(() {
      loading = true;

    await showLoadingDialog();

    try {

      await user.createEmailSession(
        email: emailTextController.text,
        password: passwordTextController.text,

      showSnackbar('Success login');
    } on AppwriteException catch (e) {
      showAlert('Error', e.message.toString());
    } finally {
      setState(() {
        loading = false;
Errors are not being returned when logging in via `createEmailPasswordSession` in a Flutter app using Appwrite. The issue seems to occur on iOS devices. The code freezes when trying to get an error message. **Solution:** The problem might be related to the version compatibility between the Flutter client and the self-hosted server. Check if updating the Appwrite client or server to the latest versions resolves the issue. Additionally, ensure error handling is properly implemented in the code.

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