
Bug? πŸ› Passing '' as documentId returns a document?

  • 0
  • Databases
  • Cloud
31 Aug, 2024, 15:50

Hello everyone! πŸ‘‹πŸ»

I have the following piece of code (client side, Flutter):

        databaseId: 'id',
        collectionId: 'id',
        documentId: '');```

As you might have noticed, I'm passing an empty string as documentId. No such ID exists of course. But yet this code returns a document.

I expect the above code to return an exception. When I pass a random string as ID it indeed throws an exception, as it should be. But not when I pass an empty string (''). πŸ€”

Can anyone confirm that this is indeed a bug in Apprite?
Issue: Passing an empty string as documentId in AppWrite's getDocument function returns a document instead of throwing an exception. Solution: This behavior is likely a bug in AppWrite. Consider reporting it to the developers for further investigation and resolution.

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