
[Appwrite exception:Network Request Failed]

  • 0
  • Android
  • React Native
  • Cloud
31 Aug, 2024, 03:50

async uploadProfilePicture(fileUri: string, phoneNumber: string) { try { // Get the file extension and use it to create the file name const fileType = fileUri.split('.').pop(); const fileName = ${phoneNumber}.${fileType};

    // Fetch the file data from the URI
    const response = await fetch(fileUri);
    if (!response.ok) {
        throw new Error('Failed to fetch the image file.');

    const fileBlob = await response.blob();

    // Create a new File object without explicitly setting the MIME type
    const file = await storage.createFile(
        '66d17e5b0023edd74cde', // Replace with your bucket ID
        new File([fileBlob], fileName)

    return file; // Returns the file metadata
} catch (error: any) {
    console.error('Error uploading profile picture:', error);

    if (error.message.includes('Network request failed')) {
        Alert.alert('Network Error', 'Please check your internet connection and try again.');
    } else {
        Alert.alert('Upload Error', 'There was an error uploading your profile picture. Please try again.');

    throw error; // Rethrow the error after handling it

} This is showing following error [Appwrite exception:Network Request Failed] Please help

The developers are experiencing a "Network Request Failed" exception in their Appwrite app. The issue is occurring during the uploadProfilePicture function. The error is being caught and handled with an alert message based on the error type. The solution suggests checking the internet connection and trying again if a network error is detected.
31 Aug, 2024, 03:53

[Appwrite exception:Network Request Failed]


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