
Function builder image

  • 1
  • Self Hosted
  • Functions
30 Aug, 2024, 06:32

Hi there,

I want to build my functions, but the connection to (example) fails due to an TLS error. This error occurs because I have to add a custom ca-certificate.

I've already mounted the etc/ssl/certs folder to the same folder in all appwrite docker images and a curl call to does work without throwing an error.

Therefore I have two questions.

  1. In what image does the function build happen? Maybe I forgot to add the certificate there.
  2. Is there a single folder/place where I can mount the certificates once for all images to use?

Thanks for your help! Cheers! :appwritecheers:

Issue: User is experiencing TLS error when trying to connect to for function building due to custom ca-certificate requirement. 1. Function build happens in the appwrite/function:tag image. 2. Mount custom certificates to /etc/ssl/certs in the appwrite/docker tag as a single folder for all images to use.

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